Special Places to Stay: Spain
The scent of bodega envelops you as you walk through the vaulted stone archway that leads to Casa Blas, a 17th-century farmhouse in an elevated village with sweeping mountain views... &
Barely 20 souls live in this sleepy, charming village in the Sobrarbe. To the north, the rugged contours of Monte Perdido can be seen; to the south, the waters of the Mediano reservoir ...
We are delighted that two of our properties-Casa Blas & La Antigua Abadía- feature in the 2007 edition of Alastair Sawday's Special Places to Stay. You can purchase a copy of the book from Alastair Sawday Publishing or alternatively see brief description and photographs at www.specialplacestostay.com
We are delighted that two of our properties-Casa Blas & La Antigua Abadía- feature in the 2007 edition of Alastair Sawday's Special Places to Stay. You can purchase a copy of the book from Alastair Sawday Publishing or alternatively see brief description and photographs at www.specialplacestostay.com
Posted by Jayne at 17:07 ·