population six: pyrenean notes: El Chorro
Copyright Population Six 2004

El Chorro

The "Chorro", literally blast or jet of water lived up to its name this weekend. Situated in the Irués gorge accessible from the village of Badain in the Cinca Valley, the "chorro" is normally dry, except during the period when the ice melts or after stormy weather. It is part of an impressive underground waterway system particular to the Cotiella Massive.

The 1 and half hour walk from Badain is picturesque, though the last half hour is the real highlight with sightings of what will be a magnificent display of spring flowers. Return visit a must end May/early June.

Posted by Jayne at 16:20 ·


Blogger The Singing Organ-Grinder said...

I hope you're going to find a means to sell some of these photos...


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